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#Moment #POT #Heated #POTATOES

Delicious and healthy family choice special food and drink
Moment POT Heated POTATOES 

moment pot prepared potatoes 4 150x150 Moment Pot Heated Potatoes Formula 

Moment Pot Heated Potatoes formula 

Ensure the treated steel embed is inside the Moment Pot. Include some virus water to embed. 

Wash and scour the potatoes clean. Jab with fork a few times everywhere throughout the outside of every potato. 

Spot wire rack inside the supplement. Mastermind potatoes on the rack. 

Spot cover on Moment Pot and turn the valve to "fixing" position. 

Ensure your IP is set to cook on HIGH weight. Press the "manual" catch and set clock to 14 minutes. 

The Moment Pot will signal and begin coming to weight. At the point when the valve comes up, it implies it came to weight and the clock will begin inside seconds. 

Whenever done, the Moment Pot will signal a couple of times. Give it a chance to discharge the weight normally for 5 to 8 minutes, at that point change valve to "venting" position and let any outstanding weight discharge. 

Carefuly open the cover far from your face. 

Delicately evacuate the potatoes and spot on a platter. 

Serve potatoes with your most loved fixings: margarine, flavors, cheddar, acrid cream, chives or parsley. 

Formula Notes 
I tried this formula beginning at 12 minutes. The potatoes were cooked yet unreasonably firm for my loving. At the point when cooked for 14 minutes, they were delicate and cushy inside. I utilized medium size potatoes. In the case of utilizing little ones, 12 minutes ought to be sufficient. In the case of utilizing expansive potatoes, include 2 additional minutes of cooking time. 

It's critical to jab the potatoes with a fork. It enables the steam from the potatoes to evade amid cooking. 

No foil is expected to cook the potatoes in your weight cooker. 

Ensure you are adding cold water to the Moment Pot. On the off chance that you utilize warm water it will change the time it takes the IP to come to weight, cooking time and the last outcome. 

For Moment Pot Smaller than expected: cook max. 2 chestnut potatoes and enough water that fills the plastic glass that accompanied the smaller than usual. Cooking time continues as before.

Thank you for visiting, good luck, hopefully it will be beneficial